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SCP Launched at Bugiri Magistrates Court
HW Shallon Bugiri Grade One Magistrate speaking during the launch

BUGIRI: Court users and the general public on Friday (October 4, 2019) gathered at Bugiri Magistrate's Court to witness the launch of Small Claims Procedure (SCP) as well as learn about the new access to justice initiatives.

The launch was presided over by Court of Appeal Justice and Chairperson of the Small Claims Procedure Implementation Committee, Geoffrey Kiryabwire.

Hon. Justice Kiryabwire urged the people of Bugiri to sign agreements whenever they make commercial transactions regardless of the amounts or parties involved. "Learn to write agreements even if the person you are dealing with is your relative,so as to solve a lot of problems for you."

He further asked them to seek redress in courts of law when aggrieved saying the new access to justice initiatives in place will ensure that they get justice.

"...Small Claims Procedure is affordable. You don't need to spend on lawyers and one receives judgement instantly or within 14 days after the court hearing," said Hon.Justice Kiryabwire.

The court users commended the Judicial Officers; Hon. Justice Eva Luswata the Jinja Senior Resident Judge, Iganga Chief Magistrate, HW Jessica Chemeri and Bugiri Magistrate Grade One for diligently serving them.

Also in attendance was Ag. Assistant Registrar in charge of SCP, HW Lillian Bucyana as well as different representatives of Justice, Law and Order Sector institutions as well as district, religious and political leaders.

Posted 7th, October 2019
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